Current Needs of Sweeten Home

…inspiring kids to make meaningful changes that last a lifetime     Current Needs of Sweeten Home Facility Improvements At Sweeten Home, we’re committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment for children who have experienced trauma...

2020 in The Rear View Mirror

    It was a challenging year for our entire nation. The year 2020 brought a number of challenges to Sweeten Home For Children. There was obviously COVID-19 that affected so many across the world. We were quarantined on two separate occasions which required our boys...

The Five Love Languages

From the Desk of a Veteran:   I have always had a strong interest in the love languages. I find it interesting that so many people have not taken the chance to learn of the best way to show the people they love, that they love them. In the times we’re going...

About Sweeten Home For Children

…inspiring kids to make meaningful changes that last a lifetime     The History of Sweeten Home For Children The Beginning Sweeten Home for Children, Inc. was founded in 1991 by Tim and Elizabeth Sweeten. The Sweeten’s obtained a license from the Texas...