Halloween Costume Giveaway!
From us to you, our pumpkin patch campaign has blessed our kids 2 years in a row now, and we'd like to give back to all of you! Your information will not be shared with anyone outside of the Sweeten Home team, and will not be stored for future events.
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Parent name
please include number, street, apt. number, city, state, zip code
Child's Name
separate with commas or slashes (, or /) please!
How would you prefer that we keep in contact with you regarding your child's costume?
Sponsors who are donating funds or costumes will not be given your contact info.
Would you like to receive future notifications about other Sweeten Home events?
I consent to Sweeten Home using this information to provide my child with a donated costume. I understand that filling out this form does not guarantee a costume, but Sweeten Home will do its best to match my child with a costume.