The History of
Sweeten Home
For Children
The Beginning
Sweeten Home for Children, Inc. was founded in 1991 by Tim and Elizabeth Sweeten. The Sweeten’s obtained a license from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to provide therapeutic foster care services to 5 children (boys and girls) ages 8 through 17 years of age. The original location for Sweeten Home for Children was in Mullin, Texas.
On November 16, 1994, Sweeten Home for Children was granted a capacity increase to provide therapeutic foster care services to 12 boys ages 8 to 17 years of age.
In October 1995, Sweeten Home for Children hired Scott Russell as the Licensed Child Care Administrator.
In June 1996, Tim and Elizabeth Sweeten appointed Scott Russell as the Executive Director/Administrator of Sweeten Home for Children and they moved to California where their daughter and twin boys played as the children on the Television hit show, Everybody Loves Raymond.
Change of Ownership
In October 1996, Tim and Elizabeth Sweeten sold Sweeten Home for Children, Inc. to Scott and Rebecca “Becky” Russell which included a reorganization of the Board of Directors.
Scott and Becky Russell have continued to operate Sweeten Home for Children since this time, building and growing the number of foster children served.
Sweeten Home for Children, Inc. was granted their 501(c) (3) Non Profit status with the Internal Revenue Service in October 1996.
In August 2005, Sweeten Home for Children moved its operations from Mullin, Texas to Brownwood, Texas
What’s Currently Happening
In September 2018, Sweeten Home for Children added a new home to the campus setting and was granted another capacity increase to provide therapeutic foster care services to 21 boys ages 8 to 17 years old.